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회사명 (주)버드레터
대표자 양선우
산업분야 ICT서비스
기술분야 콘텐츠
주요제품 모바일게임
홈페이지 https://www.birdletter.com/
사업장 소재지 서울, 대전
회사설립일 2014-11-28 총괄책임자 양선우
회사소개 Birdletter co., ltd. is a second company established

by founders of CHALLABROS inc., a character specialized company.

Though we may not be a mega-corporation with blockbuster games,

we can assure that we make games with the best arts and charming characters of all.
Please expect more mobile games with our fabulous characters.
보유 제품 및 서비스 ㅇ Mobile Game
- Mad For Dance
- Match 3D : Life is Fair
- Villains